Our blog

Using our expert knowledge gained over 20 years running successful digital projects and campaigns, we've created a bunch of free, in-depth resources that give the low down on all things digital.

17 / 02 / 2020

Channel Shift, Housing

5 signs your housing organisation is ready for a digital transformation

Digital advancements present a wealth of opportunities for social housing

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12 / 02 / 2020

Channel Shift, Housing

5 of the biggest issues housing associations face and why digital transformation is the solution

The housing sector, like any other, faced challenges and changes over recent

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15 / 12 / 2019

Channel Shift, Self Service

What makes a great self-service portal for tenants?

When we first came up with the Franklin self-service portal concept, we knew we

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21 / 10 / 2019

Channel Shift, Self Service

Getting stakeholder buy-in for a self-service portal project

Channel shift projects are at least as much about mindset change as

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07 / 10 / 2019

Channel Shift, Housing

How to benchmark your current channel shift performance

The UK is one of the most ‘digital’ nations in the world, and there are

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23 / 09 / 2019

Channel Shift

How to prioritise channel shift projects

Channel shift – a process by which organisations seek to encourage customers to

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16 / 09 / 2019

Channel Shift, Self Service

Non-technical considerations in portal procurement for IT Managers

When you need to procure a new self-service portal for your housing

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16 / 09 / 2019

Channel Shift, Housing

How to free up your contact centre to handle more complex cases

Housing associations are all about people – and, of course, your customers are

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02 / 09 / 2019

Channel Shift, Self Service

Do you really need a new self-service portal?

As the landscape of technology is ever-evolving, it goes without saying that

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