08 / 12 / 2021

Stockport Homes Group brand new website goes live

Take a look at the first of six websites we're delivering for social housing provider Stockport Homes group, built on the Umbraco CMS!

We’re excited to announce that the first of six websites in development for Stockport Homes Group has launched!

Earlier this year, Prodo was re-appointed to continue working with Stockport Homes Group into 2022 and beyond as their retained agency, helping them develop six websites in the Umbraco CMS across the Group.

The first of which has just gone live! Take a look at the brand new website for Stockport Homes Group here and read on to hear more about the design and build phases... 

The story so far…

We’ve been working with Stockport Homes Group for over six years, seeing ten different websites designed and developed in that time. So we were delighted to have the opportunity to continue working with them as their chosen supplier for their ongoing digital transformation journey.

Operating as an ALMO originally established in 2005, Stockport Homes Group is an umbrella corporation that has recently introduced new divisions across trading, development, community and marketing services – each with their own individual teams, channels and audiences.

This new, large-scale website development project marks an exciting period for the Group, who is now in a position to evolve their digital service offering in line with their recent expansion.

Starting from scratch: Somewhere for the Group to call home

First up from the six websites in development is the overarching Stockport Homes Group website, a site that did not previously exist.

We were really excited to get our teeth stuck into this project, as it was a great opportunity to explore the Stockport Homes Group brand and how they wanted to position themselves in the future, leading with this core new website.

As the Group has grown, inevitably they required a complete, standalone website to outline who they are and what they do. The new website needed to clearly define their core purpose and service offerings, whilst showcasing their distinctive branding.

The result: A distinctive website for a distinctive portfolio

Stockport Homes Group website 1

Following on from design and UX workshops, our Studio set to work bringing the Stockport Homes Group brand to life through creative styling and use of traditional modules.

The intentional use of colour throughout the website feels fresh and contemporary, perfectly aligning with the momentum of the Group, whilst careful planning has gone into the navigation to ensure it’s easy to use and accessible to all.

Stockport Homes Group website gif [optimised]

The website is built on our proprietary Cor-de framework, utilising Umbraco 8 as the dynamic CMS, with flexible custom modules that enable the team at Stockport Homes Group to customise the layout however they need.

Colourful branded hover states and subtle animations encourage user engagement, with calls-to-action positioned across the site to ensure an end-to-end user journey.

A search functionality also enables users to quickly find what they’re looking for, alongside distinctive modules that surface most recent news articles and editorials from across the Stockport Homes Group portfolio.

Stockport Homes Group website 2


Olivia Titmuss, Senior Account Manager at Prodo, said: “It’s been a pleasure working with Stockport Homes Group to bring their brand to life in a whole new way with their Group website. It’s a great example of how housing associations are able to showcase their brand and values whilst still remaining accessible and getting across important information for their audiences. As we continue working together to transform the Stockport Homes Group digital presence, we can’t wait to reveal what’s next!”

Verity Calderbank, Head of Marketing and Communications at Stockport Homes Group said, “We are excited to be embarking on the next step in our digital journey – and making this investment into advancing our customer experience offer.”

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